Training Your Customers: From Transactional Stakeholder to Strategic Partner
Track: Global Business | GB8 | Everyone |
Wednesday, July 13, 2022, 5:00am – 5:45am
Held in: Bellevue
Alexandra Lemer - ServiceNow
Host: Melissa Biggs
Customers are often at the receiving end of the localization process, but what if they could be part of your globalization strategy? Training and informing your end users on globalization best practices will help you shift the relationship from passive stakeholder to strategic partner and yourself as an essential tool in your customer’s successful globalization deployment strategy. Developing relevant and accessible localization trainings for your customers can be different from training your own resources. From creating and maintaining the content to partnering with your customers to continuously improve, learn how to share your strategy and goals with your end users.
Takeaways: Attendees will learn how to identify the globalization gap in their training strategy; develop and maintain a relevant and scalable training path; and collect authentic feedback on globalization strategy and improve the customer experience.