Triggers for Technology Decision Making — Listening, Learning and Managing Global Scope
Track: Core Competencies | CC10 |
Thursday, January 28, 2021, 9:45am – 10:30am
Held in: Stream 2
Rocio Gray - Crown Equipment
Pascale Ruimy - Gap Inc.
Yasmin Vanya - Sony Interactive Entertainment
Moderator: Dave Ruane
Large scale technology deployments are now commonplace in localization departments. Now, more than ever, companies are deploying a host of interconnected technology systems. After technology deployments have been made, how do you know if technology is still working or if it is time to do something about it? Have all stakeholders been heard? Do you know the business needs to stay ahead of global demand? This panel of knowledgeable experts in the global content industry aim to answer these questions and share their insights and lessons learned on this topic.