Up Close and Personal: Women CEOs in the Language Industry
Track: Professional | TS3 | Everyone |
Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 3:00pm – 3:45pm
Held in: Siskiyou, Lobby Level
Ludmila Golovine - MasterWord
Silke Zschweigert - Jonckers
Véronique Özkya - Summa Linguae
Moderator: Kathleen Bostick
This panel of women CEOs will give us insight into their career paths, their personal challenges, what’s changed along the way, and where they see the role of women leaders in the language industry. Why, in an industry filled with women, are there still so few women CEOs?
Takeaways: Attendees will hear about lessons learned and personal brand building including key takeaways on how you can make an impact in your company and achieve your career goals.