The Localized Internet: Reaching New Customers with a Focus on Japan

Track: Advanced Localization Management | Soara 1 |
Presented in both Japanese and English, 同時通訳あり - Simultaneous Interpretation
Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 9:45am – 10:30am
Held in: Soara
Keita Kuno - favy 
Jeff Sandford -
Host: Megumi Kato

Around 50% of the internet’s content is in English but less than 30% of its users actually search in English. Why are we leaving out potential customers? In this presentation, we would like to provide attendees with tips and tools to solve the current challenges of website localization. The presentation will revolve around four big topics: content, language selection, search engine optimization and cultural differences. will provide the technical viewpoint and favy will share their own experience localizing their website.