Words Count
Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL8 |
同時通訳あり - Simultaneous Interpretation
Friday, April 15, 2016, 2:00pm – 2:45pm
Held in: Moonlight
Kara Warburton - Termologic
Host: Katie Botkin
If you use computer-aided translation (CAT) tools, you are leveraging the reuse potential of translation memory (TM) to save costs, increase productivity and improve quality. Congratulations. But if you fail to use the dictionary, or terminology, function to its full potential, you are missing a great opportunity to multiply those benefits. The dictionary function is like a “super TM” because it enables reuse at the much more granular level of words. Many localization companies do recognize this, but still don’t succeed in developing their CAT dictionaries. The reason? Usually because the value of the effort remains unclear, and they also don’t know where to start. In this session we will present a clear business case and will give some tips on how to get started with minimal effort.