David Benotmane

David Benotmane

Solutions Architect & Product Director

Glossa Group

David Benotmane is solutions architect and product director at Glossa Group, a language service provider specialized in linguistic quality assurance (LQA) based in Hamburg, Germany. He is also coorganizer of the annual Linguistic Quality Assurance Symposium (LQAS) in Zurich, Switzerland. From 2009 to 2015 David worked as head of translation services at Migros in Zurich and was managing a team of over 100 linguists for the translations of Switzerland’s largest employer. He reorganized the translation services and implemented a fully automated translation management system with specific customized functions and various connectors to subsystems such as CMS, ERP, MRM, PIM and CRM. David joined Glossa Group in 2015 where he initially worked as a workflow and CAT tool specialist and also worked on the development of myproof®  among other activities that a rapidly growing company required. Today, he and his team are responsible for product management of the LQA product lines which include products such as myproof® and mycluster®.