Luke Niederer

Luke Niederer

Localization Manager Europe


Luke Niederer is native of Stuttgart, Germany, but has lived far away from his “home” for most of his adult life. He has been working in the translation and interpretation industry since he was a student in Berlin in the 1990s. For two years Luke worked as an escort interpreter for the Federal Press Office (Bundespresseamt) accompanying foreign guests of the federal government on trips through the new federal states and Berlin. After he moved to the United States and graduated from the Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS) in 2000, Luke started working for eBay in San Jose, California, helping to build the localization department from scratch. In July 2007 he became the European language lead for the language specialists located in Europe (Belgium and Poland) and then in October 2007 Luke moved to Germany to work from the eBay office there, working closely with the other European eBay offices. In March of 2011 he became localization manager Europe, initially responsible for 14 languages. In 2014 the new field of machine translation (MT) was added to Luke’s responsibilities and he is currently managing three MT language specialties — French, Italian and German — and potentially adding more in 2015.