Speaking at LocWorld
Everyone is invited to speak at LocWorld.
We issue a call for papers for each conference and send notices through our email list (you can sign up below). After the call for papers is closed, our conference program committee reviews all the submissions and rates them. We then look at all the ratings together and discuss what would make the best program.
Your submission can be about the conference theme or it can be more general in a topic such as one of the topics listed below:
- Advanced Localization Management: The latest information on trends, processes, technologies, and influences that shape the world of localization.
- Content Management: Explores the need for content strategy, content standards, repeatable processes, advanced information technologies, and the role of translation and localization in our mobile, global, on-demand world.
- EDUinLOC: Systematic planning for education in localization to embrace the revolution brought by machine learning, bridge the gap between academia and industry, and prepare for the next generation localizers.
- Global Business: Practical insights for companies that want to venture with confidence into new international markets.
- Global Web: Leading companies, each with an outstanding web presence, offer their expertise for launching and maintaining a worldwide web platform.
- Localization Core Competencies: Introductory information for companies that need to localize but are unsure where to start.
- Technical: This track is more about the how than the why. It looks at the application of cutting-edge localization standards and technologies that improve global user experience through innovative globalization automation, best practices, techniques and tools.
- Trade Secrets: Information about how to run better organizations and increase the profitability of language service providers.
- Translation Automation/AI: Best practices and solutions for automation and artificial intelligence in the localization process, including machine translation, project management, and translation quality evaluation, and how humans and machines all work together through standards and technological innovation.
- Translators/Interpreters: The cornerstone of our business: discussions with practitioners for practitioners on how to successfully work in the localization space, how to expand chances for acceptance, and learn what the current trends are.
Presentation Pointers
- Choose a short, catchy title that reflects the synopsis content
- Provide a detailed, clear synopsis
- Submit fresh material that has not been recently presented at other events
- Only use the latest buzzwords if you are very specific
- Avoid using your name or your company name in the title
- If you propose a case study, we are looking for one with a balanced perspective, ideas that can be implemented, and deal with solving a business problem or challenge
- Avoid a sales pitch. Our program committee will reject it!
- If you are a vendor, include a client to copresent with you
About LocWorld
LocWorld brings together professionals who are engaged in the business of adapting products, services, and communications to an international audience so as to appear native to that particular region. With an emphasis on creating a friendly atmosphere that puts newcomers at ease and welcomes old friends with a smile, the conference provides ample opportunities for networking and doing business. A strong main program, a separate Global Toolbox day of in-depth workshops, a full exhibit hall, and networking events allow attendees to increase their knowledge, develop profitable strategies, and form new alliances.