Call for Papers
LocWorld50 Silicon Valley
Learning from the Past: Planning for the Future
We are taught to learn from our mistakes. And we also learn from our successes! That hard-gained wisdom affects our behavior from an early age.
The same should be true in business. In our push to stay up with a changing business landscape as well as constantly improving technology, we tend to face forward to keep up. Of course, that is commendable. But the localization industry has now been around long enough to have a rich history of things that went well and things that did not. This history is a great source of data that can inform our plans for success. And it can be mined for information to be presented at LocWorld!
What history can you share with LocWorld attendees? What are your success stories? When did you learn hard lessons? How did you overcome obstacles?
And, on the flip side, how are you adapting to new technologies? What processes are you putting in place that will withstand future disruption in business?
Much like the Roman god Janus, we want to focus on the past and the future.
This theme is presented as a suggestion to encourage you to consider what you have to share about looking to the future and learning from the past. The theme is not meant to restrict the content of the conference. We also encourage presenters to submit proposals that fit with the areas listed below. Note that we have a new track: Game Global. Actually, we have been holding game localization workshops and the Game Global conferences for over ten years. But we are now including it in our main program to enable a richer sharing of practices across industries. (You see, we are learning from our past, as well.)
- Advanced Localization Management: The latest information on trends, processes, technologies, and influences that shape the world of localization.
- Content Management: Explores the need for content strategy, content standards, repeatable processes, and advanced information technologies, and the role of translation and localization in our mobile, global, on-demand world.
- EDUinLOC: Systematic planning for education in localization to embrace the revolution brought by machine learning, bridge the gap between academia and industry, and prepare for the next generation of localizers.
- Game Global: Challenges, best practices, technology, and new trends that are specific to the video game localization community.
- Global Business: Practical insights for companies that want to venture with confidence into new international markets.
- Global Web: Leading companies, each with an outstanding web presence, offer their expertise for launching and maintaining a worldwide web platform.
- Localization Core Competencies: Introductory information for companies that need to localize but are unsure where to start.
- Trade Secrets: Information about how to run better organizations and increase the profitability of language service providers.
- Technical: You’ve developed the coolest whizz-bang tool or service to make internationalization and localization fly. So, tell us about it. Show your audience how it works and how you built it. What makes it tick, how is it automated? Is it continuous, or maybe it’s distributed? Perhaps you’ve used artificial intelligence in novel ways to improve accuracy or efficiency. If so, we want to hear about it. The technical track is an opportunity to express your inner geek, and you’ll have an audience filled with budding engineers hungry to learn how you made it work.
- Translation Automation/AI: Best practices and solutions for automation and artificial intelligence in the localization process, including machine translation, project management and translation quality evaluation, and how humans and machines all work together through standards and technological innovation.
About LocWorld
LocWorld brings together professionals who are engaged in the business of adapting products, services, and communications to an international audience so as to appear native to that particular region. With an emphasis on creating a friendly atmosphere that puts newcomers at ease and welcomes old friends with a smile, the conference provides ample opportunities for networking and doing business. The strong main program, a separate Global Toolbox Day of in-depth workshops, the full exhibit hall, and networking events allow attendees to increase their knowledge, develop profitable strategies and form new alliances.
Presentation Pointers
- Choose a short, catchy title that reflects the session content
- Provide a detailed, clear synopsis
- Submit fresh material that has not been recently presented at other events
- Only use the latest buzzwords if you are very specific
- Avoid using your name or your company name in the title
- If you propose a case study, we are looking for one with a balanced perspective, ideas that can be implemented, and describes solving a business problem or challenge
- Avoid a sales pitch. Our program committee will reject it!
- If you are a vendor, include a client to co-present with you
Please submit your main conference presentation proposal by clicking the button below to access the submission form (opens new window).
Before filling out the call for papers, ensure you can meet all deadlines. There will be strict cut-off dates for these conferences. Please complete the form and press the “submit” button. You will then see a confirmation when you scroll down. If you have any difficulties with the form, please contact Kris Wiegand to submit your proposal.
LocWorld50 Silicon Valley: October 10-12, 2023
- Call for papers closes: April 14, 2023
- Notification of accepted speakers: July 27, 2023
- Deadline for speaker information: August 4, 2023
- Rough draft of presentation due: August 25, 2023
- Final presentation due: September 22, 2023
- LocWorld50 Silicon Valley: October 10-12, 2023