The 10x Challenge — Mistakes You Are Likely to Make When Scaling Up

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL2 |
Thursday, June 15, 2017, 1:30pm – 2:15pm
Held in: Room F
Veronica Carioni - Vistaprint 
Ulrika Fuchs - Vistaprint
Host: Shamus Dermody

What would you do if your company’s localization demands were to increase by 10 times? A common reaction would be for each team to start thinking about their own specific needs in their own separate corners. But you’ll soon discover that working in silos can cause misunderstandings, oversights, faulty assumptions and delays, and may even jeopardize the entire project. We know. We have been there. In this session we will discuss classic but avoidable mistakes companies make when preparing to scale up, and we will share our hard-earned learnings to help others be better prepared for the scalability challenge.

Takeaways: The attendees will get a better understanding of common pitfalls related to scaling on the end-client side and how to approach the challenge as a company.