Alchemy or Algorithm: Localization Processes Forum IV

Track: Preconference | P05 |
Monday, April 13, 2015, 9:00am – 12:30pm
Held in: Parlour III
Jacob Creech - Boost Agile 
Alberto Ferreira - dnata (Emirates Holidays) 
Jack Zeng - Boost Agile

From the innovative flavors of agile to classic models such as PRINCE2 and Waterfall, localization is a business of continuous adaptation and daily risk. Packed with information and case studies, the first edition of this unique forum in Asia will bring together world-class experts and knowledgeable audiences for the hard talk on the challenges and trends behind the integration of localization as a first-tier requirement — in both cutting-edge environments and in more traditional processes and technologies. Register now for a glimpse into the present and future of localization and discover how to bring together magic and algorithms in your everyday workflow.