Buy-side Colloquium: The New Technology Stack: What Matters and What Doesn't?
Track: Inside Track | IN1 |
Special Registration Requirement, this is an extended session and will run until 10:30.
Thursday, November 2, 2017, 9:00am – 9:45am
Held in: Mission City Meeting Room 3
Arle Lommel - CSA Research
Ben Sargent - Group-Q
Language technology is heating up, with terms like artificial intelligence, deep learning and neural networks being thrown around to describe developments both major and minor. What do these developments mean for you and how will they influence your international business? Which ones are important and which ones are just hype? Join CSA Research analysts for a discussion about the latest developments, where they fit in the localization and translation technology stack and how they will affect your business. Space is limited to buyers of language services only.
Seating is limited and advanced registration is required. Please contact us to reserve your seat.