Centralization vs Decentralization of Localization Programs in Asia
Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL3 |
同声传译 – Simultaneous Interpretation
Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 2:45pm – 4:00pm
Held in: Hawaii
Tammy Nayeon Kim - Line
Alfredo Eduardo Valdés Matta - LeEco
Andrew Wang - Alibaba Group
Moderator: Morgan Gallup Zhu
Asian companies are rapidly expanding abroad and a common decision that localization program managers must make is whether to centralize or decentralize localization programs. This decision will impact how decisions are made, budgets are spent, content is managed and the team is structured. This decision may even influence the success of your company’s products or services in local markets. We will discuss how Asian companies manage their localization programs as they expand internationally and what factors to consider when deciding to centralize or decentralize a localization program. We will share experiences about the impact of centralized or decentralized localization programs on business key performance indicators and how the management of centralized and decentralized programs differs. The discussion will also cover the pros and cons of decentralization, lessons learned and how to decide if you should centralize or decentralize your localization program as you expand either abroad or in Asia.
Takeaways: Attendees will learn about the pros and cons of centralizing or decentralizing localization programs in Asia and what factors they should consider when faced with this decision.