Continuous Translation — Moving Data with XLIFF

Track: Technical | T1B | SPLIT SESSION |
Thursday, June 15, 2017, 9:00am – 9:45am
Held in: Rooms B1-B2
Angelika Zerfaß - zaac
Host: Gary Lefman

In order to run continuous translation it is necessary to have automated steps and seamless integration of different tools and environments. This requires that data be moved between these different environments. Moving from tool to tool can mean the continuous conversion of documents, from InDesign to XML to the translation format required by the translation tool to a table format for review and back again to the original format. The more conversions there are, the more loss of time and the more risk for corrupted files and loss of data. XLIFF as the XML localization interchange file format was supposed to be the standard format used for translation content so that it can smoothly go from one tool to another and back. In this presentation we will show why we are not quite there yet by providing a sample round trip of an XLIFF 1.2 file between two translation tools and we will discuss what XLIFF 2.0 is to bring us in the future.