Game Localization Round Table - Pink Noise, XLOC, Ink.
Track: Preconference | P02 |
Special Registration Requirement
Wednesday, November 1, 2017, 1:30pm – 5:00pm
Held in: Lawrence
Víctor Alonso Lion - Pink Noise
Stephanie Deming - XLOC, Inc.
Jasmin Jelača - Nordeus
Yury Petyushin - Allcorrect Group
Moderators: Simone Crosignani,
Fabio Minazzi
This half-day round table consists of several distinct sessions presented by experts in game localization and is open to clients (game developers and game publishers) and to qualifying vendors (game localization specialists). We aim to provide the best possible venue to enable a fruitful and balanced debate. To this end, we will do our best to maintain a balanced group of participants. The session will end with an open discussion based on information and questions from the day’s presentations. Space for this session is limited.
Managing Strings in Multilingual Game Development Life Cycles – Stephanie O’Malley Deming (XLOC, Inc.)
Localization in All Phases of Production – Jasmin Jelača (Nordeus)
Game Localization — Cards on the Table: Some Things Really Don’t Go That Well – Victor Alonso Lion (Pink Noise)
ROI-focused Localization in Mobile Games – Yury Petyushin (All Correct Games)
Please contact us to obtain the admission code necessary for registration.
Advisory Board Members: Michaela Bartelt (Electronic Arts), Miguel Bernal-Merino (University of Roehampton), Simone Crosignani (Jinglebell Localization), Fabio Minazzi (Binari Sonori – A Keywords Studio), Miguel Sepulveda (King) and Vanessa Wood (Bigpoint GmbH).