Getting the Most from MT + PE

Track: TAUS | TS8 |
Friday, June 16, 2017, 3:45pm – 4:30pm
Held in: Room A
Luigi Muzii - sQuid
Host: Jaap van der Meer

The constant surge in demand for global content over the past three decades has resulted in a far greater need to translate content than there is talent available. Therefore, machine translation (MT) has been growing steadily and exponentially, with different grades of approval. This is mostly due to a do-it-yourself approach coming from a typical industry mindset and a misleading innuendo of readiness and plainness. To profitably run an MT platform and MT projects, a very specific skillset is needed. But the right combination of MT+ post-editing (PE) can help reduce turn-around times even in low-tech contexts while maximizing cost-effectiveness. During this presentation, we’ll go through the strategies for an effective solution for translation buyers and vendors.

Takeaways: Attendees will hear about the dos and don’ts when dealing with MT + PE in regard to improving productivity and increasing speed and ease of translation; the best setup for an operating environment based on the right project requirements and practices specifically devised; and the primary challenges posed by MT and PE, as preparing data, assessing quality of outputs, estimating the post-editing effort, vetting, selecting, instructing and compensating human resources.