LSP Threats — Are You Safe?

Track: Language Service Providers | LSP8 |
Friday, October 28, 2016, 3:45pm – 4:30pm
Held in: Outremont
Claudia Mirza - Akorbi 
David Zendzian - ZZ Servers
Host: Azam Mirza

This interactive presentation will address different threats to the language service provider (LSP) industry including payment fraud, defamation and cyber-attacks, and what companies can do to protect themselves. The CEO and president of the fastest-growing LSP in the world and a cyber security analyst/ethnical hacker will each offer their expertise.

Takeaways: How social media is used to steal identities and clients; how easily computers can be hacked; how the relationship between translation companies and clients can be compromised; how competitors can attempt to damage your reputation; and real world examples of these issues.