MOOC for Better Localization Resourcing

Track: Community | C5 |
Friday, June 16, 2017, 9:00am – 9:45am
Held in: Room H2
Mark Lesun - Google 
Rachele Maggiolini - Google 
Buket Vidinlisan - Google
Host: Ulrich Henes

Highly qualified localization professionals are hard to find. This is one of the main challenges in the industry, both for clients and vendors. At the core of this issue is a gap between academia and business: many translation graduates are unaware of the career opportunities available in localization, and a limited number of universities offer specialized courses. This is why Google has launched Localization Essentials: the First Localization Massive Open Online Course in the industry. In this session, Google’s localization team will focus on how the course is going to help bridge this gap. You will also learn how it may be useful to graduates, professionals and universities, and will have a sneak peek behind the scenes of its development.