New Challenges and Solutions of eCommerce Internationalization
Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL2 |
同声传译 – Simultaneous Interpretation
Tuesday, April 14, 2015, 10:15am – 11:00am
Held in: Grand Ballroom II
Xing Xu - Alibaba Group
Host: Shin Kayano
In 15 years Alibaba Group has become the leading online and mobile commerce company. Over 40 million buyers from over 200 countries and regions do business through their thriving marketplace, platform and ecosystem. Language and localization are a main challenge in eCommerce. During this presentation we will focus on language solutions that support Alibaba in providing the best experience for online traders such as: the importance of localization and what to localize; the challenges of localization and when to localize; solutions to address these challenges; and steps to take for future planning.