Embedded Language Tools
Track: Multilingual AI | TA8B | SPLIT SESSION |
同声传译 – Simultaneous Interpretation
Wednesday, April 15, 2015, 2:00pm – 2:45pm
Held in: Grand Ballroom II
Jean Senellart - SYSTRAN
Host: Katie Botkin
Wearable technologies and the Internet of Things expansion let us now see an incredible future for intelligent micro devices that will provide language assistance through translation, text identification, fast information retrieval and so on. These devices are particularly needed for exchanges between Asian and Western countries. SYSTRAN has spent decades at the forefront of research in language technologies, and now makes them available as independent and embeddable modules. The new Linguistic Development Toolkit provides developers and manufacturers with the most advanced language processing features anywhere to build language awareness devices covering the complete range of processing from the text acquisition (voice, image, electronic flow) and text analytics to translation or text generation.