XLIFF 2.x Industry Update
Track: Technology | TC2 |
Tuesday, April 14, 2015, 10:15am – 11:00am
Held in: Parlour V
David Filip - ADAPT Centre
Host: Angelika Zerfaß
The XLIFF 2.0 standard was officially released last August, and given the significant improvements it provides it surely has turned the localization industry upside down. Or has it? In this session we will strive to inform the localization community about XLIFF 2.0 adoption in the industry and will also cover on-going development plans (XLIFF 2.x). We will present adoption reports based on research conducted by the XLIFF TC and we will give insights on how a big corporation like Microsoft benefits from co-developing and adopting XLIFF 2.0. After successfully publishing the major new version XLIFF 2.0 as an OASIS standard, the Technical Committee is now set on adding new features in a nimble way — every summer an updated version will be published (2.1, 2.2 and so on). Indeed, a backward compatible 2.1 version is well on track for publication in summer 2015.