The Right Metrics at the Right Time

Track: TAUS | TS3 |
Thursday, October 15, 2015, 2:45pm – 4:00pm
Held in: Mission City Ballroom 4
Nancy Anderson - Dell EMC 
Eduardo D’Antonio - VMWare 
Mimi Hills - Hillstra Associates 
Clove Lynch - VMWare
Moderator: Jaap van der Meer

EMC and VMware are part of a federation, in which SMART goals run the business. Writing measurable goals can be difficult, and it’s easy to be tempted by finding what’s measurable and writing a goal around that. Learn how these enterprise globalization teams set their goals, then used metrics to show management the return on investment; show internal teams the value of globalization; drive quality; decrease and control costs; and drive efficiency. Metrics, with good management practices, can help propel the business to the next level of localization maturity.

Takeaways: Attendees will learn how to use the right metrics to demonstrate to upper management the value their department brings in driving global business; how to use metrics to manage partner relationships by monitoring costs, quality, time-to-market and communication; and how to use metrics to see for yourself how well your department is doing by tracking trends over time.