Uninterrupted Is the New Black: Design Considerations and Mechanics of Continuous Localization

Track: Technical | T1 |
同声传译 – Simultaneous Interpretation
Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 9:00am – 9:45am
Held in: Chicago/Miami
Gary Lefman
Host: Donna Parrish

Throughout 2016, LocWorld conference attendees were talking feverishly about continuous localization as if it were a new fashionable term for the localization industry. However, when asked how it was working out for them, the response was frequently along the lines of “we still have a long way to go” or the less encouraging “we haven’t even started yet.” The localization industry’s brief obsession with the agile software development methodology amounted to nothing significant, but it did fuel the desire for faster localization. To make this possible, there needed to be a seismic shift in the way software is developed and released. Continuous localization is the new black. It is a fusion of software internationalization and localization processes with a continuous integration and deployment environment. This session is for organizations that are thinking about continuous localization. We will look at the ingredients for blending localization processes with a new or existing continuous integration environment. We will also examine the tools and interfaces that can be used to automate continuous deployment of locales. By the end of the session you will recognize the key elements needed to design a continuous localization framework, and you will understand the marvels of modern gadgets and gizmos that make it much more than just an agile talking point.