VMware LQE: Automating Localization Quality Management at VMware
Track: TAUS | TS4 |
Thursday, October 15, 2015, 4:30pm – 5:15pm
Held in: Mission City Ballroom 4
Michael Harris - Slack
Clove Lynch - VMWare
Host: Jaap van der Meer
In 2013, the corporate globalization department at VMware began development of an automated quality management system based on the TAUS Dynamic Quality Framework (DQF). The VMware LQE is an enterprise application designed to streamline the work of globally-distributed review teams, dramatically cutting time-to-market and costs for localized deliverables while empirically measuring performance against target quality goals. VMware and Spartan Software presented an early version of LQE at LocWorld26 in Vancouver. In this presentation, we will cover the progress made in the year since that session, including new features and functionality as well as metrics from data collected that help drive globalization production at VMware.
Takeaways: Attendees will learn how to implement the TAUS DQF to improve process and quality in the enterprise; how sample-based review can actually work on a large scale; and how to change a costly, subjective review process into a data-driven, cost-effective one.