What’s On the Mind of an Enterprise TMS Buyer?

Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL3 |
Thursday, October 15, 2015, 2:45pm – 4:00pm
Held in: Mission City Meeting Room 2
Tim Brandall - Netflix 
Inger Jurajda - NI 
Julien Mira - Cisco
Moderator: Tuyen Ho

Cisco, National Instruments and Netflix each recently initiated an extensive evaluation process to select a translation management system (TMS). Cisco had outgrown its existing commercial solution, National Instruments determined a TMS was foundational to its centralization strategy and Netflix sought to maximize customization to support some unique requirements. Although functionality is critical, the evaluation process must also include multiple users experiences; out-of-the-box versus customization investment; organizational readiness; and interoperability today versus future-proofing tomorrow. This discussion will not be about promoting any specific TMS, but sharing insights about approaches to cutting through the hype; embracing a “less is more”-based evaluation criteria; and understanding change management considerations.

Takeaways: Attendees will see insights on enterprise buying behavior, the balancing needs of decision-makers versus practitioners versus end-users and how making smart technology purchases requires more than just the technology itself.