Hacking the Localization Thinking into Startups

Track: Preconference | P05 |
Wednesday, June 14, 2017, 9:00am – 12:30pm 
Wednesday, June 14, 2017, 1:30pm – 5:00pm
Held in: Marenostrum A
Christiane Bark 
Daniel Goldschmidt - LocWorld 
Tarja Karjalainen - OURA 
Brian McConnell - Notion 
Mika Pehkonen - F-Secure 
Oleksandr Pysaryuk - GitLab 
Martin Schneekloth - RippleWorx 
Angelika Zerfaß - zaac

In this workshop, we will focus on localization in the context of any small, fast-growing startup-like company that is just entering or planning to expand further into new local markets. Participants will learn about things a startup needs to do early to prepare its product for global users. We will also focus on use cases from real life. There will be special guest appearances from experts who will share stories, expertise and answer questions. The following subjects will be covered:

  • Introduction into the world of startups (incubators, pitches, venture capital, growth, exit and so on)
  • Deciding to localize and winning executive support
  • Setting up a localization function in a startup company
  • The importance of international product management
  • Preparing the product for localization even when there is no plan to localize
    • Hacking localization thinking into engineering and design
    • Using localization tools for user interface/user experience
  • Hacking localization with recruiting and localizing for local markets