Leveraging Language Diversity to Escape the Consistency Nightmare
Track: Global Business | GB8 |
Friday, November 3, 2017, 3:45pm – 4:30pm
Held in: Mission City Meeting Room 3
Amy Grace O’Brien - Adobe
Jean-Bernard Piot - Adobe
Host: Camille Xu
When communicating as a brand, content creators must work under constraints to ensure the brand’s identity is kept intact when interacting with customers. These constraints are then transferred to the localization process. Consistent brand messaging is particularly difficult to achieve when it involves multiple languages and contributors. Verifying that a sufficient consistency level is met often demands significant efforts from all globalization stakeholders while rendering limited results. We will demonstrate how diversity in styles and translations can be leveraged to improve quality and consistency.
Takeaways: Attendees will learn about a new technique that automates inconsistency detection with a low footprint on the globalization teams.