A Strategy for Your Strategy: Four Cs to Guide Enterprise Content Strategy Development

Track: Content Management | CM2 |
Thursday, November 2, 2017, 1:30pm – 2:15pm
Held in: Mission City Meeting Room 1
Toni Mantych - ADP
Host: Scott Abel

Knowing what needs to be done and achieving it are dramatically different things. While there’s general consensus that carefully and deliberately establishing and articulating a content strategy for a product, an organization or an enterprise is a good thing, execution remains an elusive holy grail. In this session, we’ll take a look at the significant logistic, political and technical challenges that often emerge when implementing content strategy across functional groups and divergent content. We’ll then discuss specific techniques and strategies to overcome these challenges, including how to use the 4 Cs of client-focus, communication, coordination and collaboration to guide the initial implementation and continued maturation of an enterprise content strategy.