eCoLo Revival

Track: Community | C6A | SPLIT SESSION |
Friday, June 16, 2017, 10:15am – 11:00am
Held in: Room H2
Carme Colominas - Universitat Pompeu Fabra 
Pascaline Merten - Université Libre de Bruxelles
Moderator: Jeannette Stewart

The European Leonardo-funded projects eCoLo (electronic Content Localization) consist of shareable resources dedicated to the teaching of localization technologies. These are: eCoLoRe, collection of freely-available translation technology training resources; eCoLoTrain, courses on translation technologies; and eCoLoMedia, resources for vocational training in multimedia. The projects were initiated by European academics and professionals, and provided everyone with real-life practice material, courses on various localization tools, various digital and multimedia specializations as well as project management. After a decade, the projects are being updated, adapted and hosted by Translation Commons in order to reach an even wider audience in a collaborative community setting.

Takeaways: Good training, up-to-date and based on realistic real-life documents, is essential to the quality of localized products. Participants will learn about the renewal of eCoLo projects and the benefits they can gain from accessing free resources to train in localization technologies.