Moving to Structured Content: Preserving Translation Memories
Track: Content Strategy | CS2 |
Thursday, October 15, 2015, 1:30pm – 2:15pm
Held in: Mission City Meeting Room 1
Ann Rockley - The Rockley Group Inc.
Host: Scott Abel
More and more, organizations are moving away from unstructured content created in tools such as Microsoft Word, HTML editors or InDesign to structured content using DITA or other structured content standards. When content is structured, the content is often reorganized, rewritten and written for reuse. These changes to the content result in little or no translation matches. This can be very costly and time consuming and is particularly problematic in regulated content. Join this session to learn best practices for effectively moving to structured content while still preserving your translation memories. Best practices that can be utilized by both the customer and the language service provider will be provided.
Takeaways: Attendees will learn how to move to structured content and preserve translation memories without compromising quality, how to identify the potential problem areas and how to optimize reuse.