The Challenges and Opportunities of Media and Game Localization Education: A Conversation Between the Industry and the Academia

Track: EDUinLOC | EDU8 |
Thursday, October 21, 2021, 9:30am – 10:15am
Held in: Jujama
Micaela Belluzzo - Keywords Studios 
Jorge Díaz-Cintas - University College London 
Magdalena Jagucka - Deluxe Media 
Carme Mangiron - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Moderator: Belén Agulló García

A Conversation Between the Industry and the Academia

In this panel discussion, we present the challenges and opportunities of education for the media and game localization industries — two of the most vibrant verticals in our industry. The purpose of this panel discussion is to facilitate the conversation between the academia and the industry to identify potential blind spots, increase empathy between both parties, and foster an effective collaboration. Apart from raising awareness and facilitating open communication, the output of this conversation will be ‘homework’ or action points for the academia and the industry that will help them contribute to a healthier industry and create a better prepared workforce that will lead the future of the industry.