Alina Birsan

Alina Birsan

Founding Manager

AB Language Solutions

Alina Birsan is an optimistic extrovert, avid learner, culture connector, Eastern European, Romanian-based enthusiastic woman entrepreneur helping partner companies reach external markets. She is a true believer in partnerships, engagement, visibility, and transparent communication who would rather be part of the story than just watch it. That is why Alina has been working as an Elia board member since 2019, taking on the challenge of running its first online conference in 2020. Having been constantly in love with the language industry for the past 15 years, she is grateful to a young, experienced, dynamic and resourceful team that is always eager to understand clients’ needs and come up with the best fit-for-purpose solutions. Alina’s favorite quote: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” (Maya Angelou)