Maryse Benhoff is president and cofounder of BG Communications International Inc. She is responsible for the company’s international development, marketing, financial planning and organizational structure, boasting clients and suppliers from around the globe. With more than 20 years of experience in the translation industry, Maryse is always looking to create a better business environment for all the players. To that end she cofounded the Association of Canadian Companies in Translation and Interpretation (ACCTI) in 2003. Maryse served as the official representative for Canada from 2003-2006 on the Comité Européen de Normalisation; as a translation expert from 2007-2008 on the Canadian General Standards Board; and as translating expert to ISO/TC 37/SC 5 from 2009 to present day. She is the international secretary of ISO/TC 37/SC 2 as well as the AILIA mandated chair of the Canadian Mirror Committee to ISO/TC 37. Maryse also serves on the board of directors of the Association de l’industrie de la langue/Language Industry Association (AILIA) and was re-elected for a two year mandate as vice president.