The Growing Importance of Emerging Markets

Track: Keynote | K2 |
同時通訳あり - Simultaneous Interpretation
Friday, April 15, 2016, 9:00am – 10:15am
Held in: Moonlight
Mika Karashima - Google 
Allison McDougall - Amplexor 
Motoki Mori - NEC Corporation 
Mark Shriner - Welocalize
Moderator: Ulrich Henes

Emerging markets will be the key to your company’s future growth. Mobile penetration has created business opportunities in countries with huge populations such as India and Indonesia. First waves of English users are online already. Opportunities lie with users who speak native languages, which is how great localization is becoming a key for success. What does the talent pool look like? How can you market to these growing markets? Learn about market opportunities that exist, challenges that these markets pose, which languages are expected to grow and more in this panel discussion.