Why Scorecards Are an Important Part of Your Content Quality Strategy
Track: Content Strategy | CS6 |
Friday, October 28, 2016, 10:15am – 11:00am
Held in: Mont-Royal/Hampstead/Côte St-Luc
Val Swisher - Content Rules, Inc.
Host: Scott Abel
Ever since we were kids, we’ve gotten scorecards. Every year teachers give us an “A,” “B” or (heaven forbid) a “C” on the quality of our work. When we move on to college prep, we take tests such as the SAT or ACT. Again, we are provided with a scorecard. In the content arena, scorecards provide a way for us to assess how our content stacks up against certain criteria. For example, how closely aligned is our content to the style guide? How well does it follow the rules of governance? How clear are our translations?
Takeaways: Why scorecards are important; how to use scores to make business decisions.