You Can’t Be Inclusive until You’re Accessible

Track: Engage Global Users | EG15 |
Thursday, January 28, 2021, 2:30pm – 3:00pm
Held in: Stream 1
Orla Creaven - United Language Group 
Heather Hepburn - Skyscanner 
Danielle Meder - United Language Group 
Hristina Racheva - Skyscanner

Inclusivity is a major area of focus for companies worldwide. The inclusivity movement largely focuses on breaking down barriers associated with race, skin color and religion, but accessibility for those with disabilities is also a growing inclusivity initiative. During this panel discussion, attendees will gain a better understanding of the importance of accessibility as well as the best practices for creating accessible products, organizations and brands.

Takeaways: Attendees will hear what new areas will require language access moving forward; and how to align language access solutions with their organization’s situation.