Corporate Communities: Why, When and How
Track: Preconference | P04 |
Wednesday, October 17, 2018, 9:00am – 12:30pm
Held in: Coastal
Giulia Dugo - Adobe
Amy Grace O’Brien - Adobe
Jeannette Stewart - Translation Commons
Your company may have a great localization team supported by fantastic processes and tools but few within your organization seem to know. Maybe global colleagues have approached you with comments like “I wish you asked me first,” or “I could have told you what’s right for my country.” There are many such scenarios that localization teams come across within their own organizations. It is time to learn how to leverage your global stakeholders and reach across the organization to people who are committed and willing to volunteer their local knowledge to help you.
In this workshop we will cover why it is important to reach out to your corporate internal global community, when to do this and how to use existing tools and techniques to keep them engaged. The format is part discussion, part presentation of tips and available resources and part exercises designed to help you define your internal community and design your community-building strategy.
Takeaways: Attendees will learn how to create an action plan for launching or improving your own community.