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Thursday, November 7, 2019
9:00am – 9:45am

Documentation Revitalization for Global Readiness
Session Topics: content, go global-be global
Presenter: Ariane Duddey - Broadridge
Host: Scott Abel

Proper Internationalization Enables Globalization: Internationalization Practices across Different Sectors
Session Topics: core competencies, globalization, go global-be global, internationalization, strategies
Presenters: Dulce Carrillo - Philips  |  Skip Masonsmith - Expedia Group  |  Cornelia Sittel -
Moderator: Manuela Noske

Buy-side Colloquium: Evaluating the ROI of Localization
Session Topics: data, inside, language, localization, roi
Special Registration Requirement, this is an extended session and will run until 10:30.
Presenters: Arle Lommel - CSA Research  |  Hélène Pielmeier - CSA Research

7 1/2 Steps to a Successful NMT Implementation at Any Small LSP
Session Topics: core competencies, growth, innovation, lsp, taus, technologies
Presenter: Gaëtan Chrétiennot - Six Continents
Host: Anne-Maj van der Meer

Speech and Language AI — Use Cases in Localization
Session Topics: advanced localization, global business, technologies, what's next
Presenter: Udi Hershkovich - AWS
Host: Adam Asnes
9:45am – 10:30am Break
10:30am – 12:00pm

12:00pm – 1:30pm Lunch in the Market Street Foyer, sponsored by Akorbi
1:30pm – 2:15pm

Face Is the New Interface
Session Topics: advanced localization, content, user experience
Presenter: Mark Walsh -
Host: Scott Abel

How to Tie Globalization Strategy into Enterprise-wide Corporate Governance
Session Topics: evangelization, globalization, go global-be global, teamwork
Presenters: Kristin Gutierrez - KG, LLC  |  Anna Schlegel - Procore
Host: Paul Cerda

LSP Growth Strategies: Making Your Way through the Jungle
Session Topics: growth, inside, lsp, strategies
Presenter: Hélène Pielmeier - CSA Research

Reimagining the Translation Industry as a Data-driven Business
Session Topics: advanced localization, data, taus, technologies
Presenter: Oksana Tkach - Metamova
Host: Anne-Maj van der Meer

Process Innovation Challenge
Session Topics: advanced localization, data, globalization, growth, innovation, strategies, what's next
This session will run until 14.30.
Presenters: Dalibor Frívaldský - Memsource  |  Lucio Gutierrez  |  Robert Rogge - Zingword  |  Heather Shoemaker - Language I/O  |  Lori Silverstein - SPi Global  |  John Tinsley
Moderators: Alex Bernet  |  Jeffrey Kiser
Hosts: Alessandra Binazzi  |  Neftalí Jovel  |  Yuka Nakasone  |  Konstantin Savenkov
2:15pm – 2:45pm Break
2:45pm – 4:00pm

CEO Panel — Top Industry Players
Session Topics: content, global business, go global-be global, insights, lsp, strategies, what's next
Presenters: Paul Danter - RWS Moravia  |  Adolfo Hernandez - SDL  |  Smith Yewell - Welocalize
Moderator: Véronique Özkya
4:00pm – 4:30pm Break
4:30pm – 5:15pm

Why You Need Content Transformation to Have a Successful Content Strategy
Session Topics: content, globalization
Presenter: Val Swisher - Content Rules, Inc.
Host: Scott Abel

You Are Now the Startup Localization Manager: How Do You Help Your Company Go Global?
Session Topics: evangelization, globalization, go global-be global, growth, startup, strategies, teamwork
Presenters: Michele Carlson - Apple  |  Francesca Di Marco - Pinterest  |  Neftalí Jovel - Indeed
Moderator: Antoine Rey

MicroTalk: Collaboration to Create TM Best Practices
SPLIT SESSION | Session Topics: data, inside
Presenter: Andrzej Poblocki -
Host: Ben Cornelius

MicroTalk: International Year of Indigenous Languages 2019
SPLIT SESSION | Session Topics: community, evangelization, inside, teamwork
Presenters: Craig Cornelius - Google  |  Ludmila Golovine - MasterWord
Host: Ben Cornelius

MicroTalk: Energizing Development Teams on Scalable Globalization Processes
SPLIT SESSION | Session Topics: advanced localization, content, evangelization, innovation, inside
Presenters: Ana Boardman-Hsue - Cloudflare  |  Chandra Penke - TOverlap
Host: Ben Cornelius

MicroTalk: Building a Scalable Linguistic Testing Process
SPLIT SESSION | Session Topics: advanced localization, inside, quality
Presenter: Tom Boerger - Google
Host: Ben Cornelius

The Fantastic Best-quality Engines and How to Find Them: Evaluating MT in 2020
Session Topics: metrics, quality, risk assessment, roi, taus, technologies
Presenters: Silvio Picinini - eBay  |  Konstantin Savenkov - Intento  |  Kirill Soloviev - ContentQuo  |  Andrea Tabacchi - Phrase
Host: Anne-Maj van der Meer

Local Design on a Global Scale: How Language Can Inform Human-centered Design
Session Topics: customer/user experience, data, global business, teamwork, what's next
Presenters: Mercedes Krimme - Spotify  |  Camela Logan - Facebook
Host: Terence Maikels
9:30pm – 12:00am After-dinner Drinks at Villa Ragusa, sponsored by Memsource
Friday, November 8, 2019
9:30am – 10:15am

Justify Your Existence: Demonstrating the Power and ROI of Localization
Session Topics: advanced localization, data, risk assessment, roi, startup
Presenters: Melanie Heighway - Atlassian  |  Tarja Karjalainen - OURA  |  Oleksandr Pysaryuk - GitLab  |  Martin Schneekloth - RippleWorx
Moderator: Maria Kania

Being Global: Proving the ROI for Global Content Technology Investments
Session Topics: content, go global-be global, quality, roi, technologies
Presenters: Ana Boardman-Hsue - Cloudflare  |  Wayne Bourland - Dell Technologies  |  Rahul Sharma - HP
Moderator: Paul Barth

Robot Voices in Multimedia: Adventures in Text-to-speech
Session Topics: advanced localization, innovation, technical, technologies
Presenter: Gilberto Segura - PGLS
Host: Gary Lefman

Unconference @ LocWorld
Session Topics: unconference
Presenter: Session Participants
Moderator: Teresa Marshall
10:15am – 10:45am Break
10:45am – 12:00pm

CEO Panel – Mid-cap Language Service Providers
Session Topics: content, global business, go global-be global, insights, lsp, strategies, what's next
Presenters: Patrik Attemark - Semantix  |  Mark Evenepoel - Amplexor  |  Kristen Giovanis - United Language Group  |  Joshua Gould - thebigword
Moderator: Kathleen Bostick
12:00pm – 1:30pm Lunch in the Market Street Foyer
1:30pm – 2:30pm

Refining Global — Leveraging Next Generation Market Analytics to Delight Local Users
Session Topics: data, metrics, quality, roi, user experience
Presenters: Joel Sahleen - Domo  |  Daniel Sullivan - GitLab  |  Erik Vogt - Vogt Strategy
Moderator: Alessandra Binazzi

How Do We Get There from Here?
Session Topics: career development, global business, leading localization
Presenters: Mimi Hills - Hillstra Associates  |  Jenny Kang - Veritas  |  Allison McDougall - Amplexor
Moderator: Loy Searle

Grow Your Business by Proving the Value of Localized Digital Content
Session Topics: content, data, global business, global web, go global-be global, growth
Presenters: Camila dos Ferraz - Google  |  Andy Jacobson - Amazon
Moderator: Ryan Webb

Internationalization Readiness in Software Localization – Talk to the Experts
Session Topics: advanced localization, evangelization, globalization, internationalization, metrics, technical
Presenters: Igor Afanasyev - Evernote  |  Patrícia Paladini Adell - Paladini Global  |  Irina Rybnikova - Positive Technologies
Host: Tex Texin

Unconference @ LocWorld
Session Topics: unconference
This session will end at 2:30 pm
Presenter: Session Participants
Moderator: Teresa Marshall
2:30pm – 3:00pm Break
3:00pm – 3:45pm

Localization Beyond Words
Session Topics: content, data, global web, globalization
Presenter: Pedro Gomez - Microsoft
Host: Katie Botkin

Localization of Documentaries in the Arab World through Manipulative Translation
Session Topics: global business, technologies, user experience
Presenter: Salma Chabbak
Host: Medhat Bassily 

Contextual Translation Online Editor
Presenter: Raymond Peng - VMWare
Host: Gary Lefman

Globalization Scorecard - Benchmark Products Globalization Quality Continuously
SPLIT SESSION | Session Topics: evangelization, globalization, internationalization, metrics, quality, technical
Presenter: Hong Zhang - VMWare
Host: Gary Lefman

Unconference @ LocWorld
Session Topics: unconference
Presenter: Session Participants
Moderator: Teresa Marshall
3:45pm – 4:00pm Break
4:00pm – 5:00pm
